Saturday, May 2, 2009

Playing with 1/2 Step Down Tuning


Please click the following video link to watch how to set the software to play with "Half Step Down" or "Whole Step Down" tuning.

Monday, April 27, 2009

How to save MIDI file in Mac

You need to place your own MIDI files under MidiLogic/Database/MidiFiles folder. Please follow the steps below:

1) Find your MIDI on the web (we normally took it from

2) Click your Finder icon and click your "Home" directory. To get to your "Home" directory, from Finder window click the "house" icon.

3) In your "Home" directory you should see "MidiLogic" folder, click the folder. You should see 2 sub-folders: Database and Applications. Click the "Database" folder. You should see "MidiFiles", click it. You should see sub-folders like "Canon Rocks", "Classic Rocks", etc. Create your own sub-folder there.

4) Then you save your downloaded MIDI files to your new sub-folder.

5) Run the program go to your sub-folder then you should see your downloaded MIDI files. Load the MIDI file to play it.

All lesson videos are posted in "support" page. Please watch the following videos:

How to switch channel, create markers, and to use Velocity control Part 1 How to switch channel, create markers, and to use Velocity control Part 2 How to change channel's label
That should give you a good start. Let me know if you have any questions.


Friday, April 24, 2009

How to load your own MIDI files

It should recognize any MIDI files as long as they have .mid extension. You also need to place them in correct directory.

For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\MidiLogic\Database\MidiFiles

For Windows Vista:

Create a sub-folder under "MidiFiles" then place your MIDI files in that sub-folder.

There are videos explaining the steps. From click "support". In the "support" page locate and watch the following videos:

-How to find and save MIDI files in Windows Vista or
-How to find and save MIDI files in Windows XP

Also watch the following videos:
-How to switch channel, create markers, and to use Velocity control Part 1
-How to switch channel, create markers, and to use Velocity control Part 2
-How to change channel's label


Mac Install Problem

We only tested the Mac version on MacBook. We are working fixing the installer to work on other Mac version. In the mean time you can install the software manually. Please follow the steps below:

1) Download from the following URL:

2) After the download complete go to your "download" directory (i.e., click "Finder" and open "Download" folder)

3) You should see maczip file in the "Download" directory. Open it and you should see "MidiLogic" folder.

4) Drag the "MidiLogic" folder and place it in your "home" directory. To get to your "home" directory click the "home" icon in your "Finder" window. Then place the "MidiLogic" folder just in the "home" directory.

5) So, now, under your "home" folder you should have:

MidiLogic (folder)
--->Database (a sub folder)
--->GuitarLogic.jar (a file)
---> (a file)

Create a short-cut (i.e., alias) for the GuitarLogic,jar file and drag the alias to your desktop. Then you just need to double click the alias to run the program. Click the "Trial" to run the trial version. If that work then you just need to enter your license key info after you purchase it.

How to change frets arrangement

You can change the settings not to play in different keys but to play in different fret ranges. By default all notes are displayed in fret 0 - 4 and up. Meaning the software pushes them down to lower frets as much as possible. So if the notes play in A chord in fret 0 - 4 you can rearrange them to play in in fet 5 - 9. The way you do this is the following:

1) Load your MIDI file you want to play
2) Click Tools -->Change Midi Settings-->Channel Xref
3) In the "Channel Xref" locate the channel currently played (i.e., the one you want to change)
4) If it's a bass channel, click the check box that says "Finger Pick".
5) Then click the "..." button on the right of the "Tab Template" drop-down box. This should display "Fret Range Settings" window
6) In the "Fret Range Settings" window you'll see: Tick Position, Beg Fret, End Fret, Higher Frets, Max Range, Beg String, End String columns.

Tick Position: Is the end of the tick position for the fret range
Beg Fret: The begining fret number for the range (e.g., for A chord will 5)
End Fret: The end fret number for the range (e.g., for A chord would be 9. Usually Beg Fret + 4)
Higher Frets: Push other notes to play in higher frets (i.e., any frets higher than 9 in this example) if possible.
Max Range: The max reach on your left hand between beg fret and end fret
Beg String: The beginning string (set it to 3 or higher for bass)
End String: The end string (set it to 6 or lower for bass)

There is also lesson video explaining this feature. It's located in "support" page. From click "support". In the "support" page locate and watch the following videos:

How to add tuning Part 1 (watch the end part)
How to add tuning Part 2

Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. This is an advance feature of the software.

Best Regards

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to Midi Logic Blog Spot

Hello there,

If you are looking for a great guitar and bass software please visit You can download the software from the site. The software has been in the market for sometime.

~midilogic support team